Improving Your Health

What You'll Want to Know About Breastfeeding and Over-the-Counter Medicines

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Breast milk contains all of the nutrients and natural antibodies your baby needs in just the right amounts. If you’re taking over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, however, the ingredients found in those medications could also end up in your breast milk. As a new mother, you may have plenty of concerns about the potential risk that OTC medicines can pose to your nursing child. If you need to take OTC medicines for sinus congestion, cough, or cold, the following explains what you can do to keep your baby safe. Read More»

Symptoms Of ADHD In Adults

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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that can affect anyone; however, many children outgrow it as they age. But there are adults that still suffer from ADHD, and it can affect their lives in many different ways. If you are an adult and have never been diagnosed with ADHD, you may want to consider getting evaluated if you believe that you might have this condition. Here are some of the top signs of ADHD in adults. Read More»

Signs Your Poison-Ivy Rash Has Become Infected—And What to Do About It

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Poison-ivy rashes can be itchy and annoying, but things get a lot worse if your poison-ivy rash becomes infected. Secondary bacterial infections of skin affected by poison ivy are not uncommon, so it’s important to know how to recognize whether you’ve developed this issue and how to act if you do. Here’s a look. How do you know the difference between a standard poison-ivy rash and one that’s become infected? Read More»

You Are Not Alone: A Healthcare Agency Can Help Provide In-Home Care

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If you or a family member are in need of home-health care, you may be tempted to allow these services to be provided by another trusted family member or to hire an aide outright. While this arrangement may work and may be the less expensive option, it is usually not the most ideal situation. Not only could this make you liable for any accidents or injuries that take place in your home, but it really may not be the cheapest option. Read More»

Are You Considering Having Tummy-Tuck Surgery? Learn What Activities Can Alter the Look of Your Surgery

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If you have a flabby stomach that you cannot tighten with exercise or diet, or if you have loose skin due to losing a lot of weight, you may be considering having a tummy tuck done. A tummy tuck cuts away loose skin, removes fat stores that you can’t get rid of, and tightens up the stomach muscles, leaving you with a tight and firm stomach. However, if you are considering having this type of procedure done, you need to realize that choices you make after the surgery could affect the look of your surgery. Read More»