Improving Your Health

Undergoing Breast Reconstruction

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Have you been living for years with only one breast after one was removed due to treating cancer? If you are ready to enjoy having two breasts, undergoing breast reconstruction is worth giving some consideration to. You will basically be able to get a breast constructed that looks natural and can be matched to the exact size of your other breast. Consulting with a plastic surgeon is the first step to getting the process started. Read More»

3 Features To Look For In A Hearing Aid Provider If You Have Sensitive Ears

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It is no big news that hearing device technology has changed the way society looks at hearing loss in general and has helped a great many people. However, for people who have ears that get irritated easily or who have have softer canals, the idea of wearing any type of device can simply sound uncomfortable. If you are one of these unfortunate people, it is more important than ever for you to ensure you have the right hearing aid provider. Read More»

3 Things To Consider With An Electric Wheelchair

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Buying an electric wheelchair can be a bit tricky, mostly because they are quite a few different models out there that each has its own unique set of benefits. Listed below are three things to consider in an electric wheelchair in order to make it a bit easier to pick the right one for you.  1. Enhanced Battery Life One of the first things that you should always look at when shopping around for an electric wheelchair is the battery life. Read More»

Four Problems Associated With Untreated Hearing Loss

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If you are suffering from hearing loss, you will want to have it treated right away. Going to your audiologist right away will ensure that you prevent the hearing loss from becoming worse. Many people avoid this because they don’t want to pay for hearing aids or they don’t want to wear hearing aids at all. What you should know is that hearing aid technology has improved significantly. You can even utilize hidden hearing aids that you can’t even tell are there. Read More»

Tired Of UTIs? 4 Steps You Should Take To Keep Them Away

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If you’ve been getting UTIs non-stop, and your doctor hasn’t found a medical reason for the increase, the problem might be due to something you’re doing, or not doing. UTIs can be caused by a variety of things, including antibiotic use, or even your current contraceptive. However, they can also be caused by something as simple as the type of panties you wear, or how tight your jeans are. Both of those can cause bacteria to thrive on your genitals, which can lead to the UTIs. Read More»