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Worried about Your Child? What to Do If You Suspect Hearing Loss

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If you suspect that your child has hearing problems, now's the time to take action. Childhood hearing loss can interfere with your child's education and social activities. That's why early intervention is so important. But, many parents don't know what to do when they suspect that their child has hearing problems. Do you think your child might be dealing with hearing loss? The tips provided here will help you get your child the treatment they need. 

Track Their Hearing

If you're worried about your child's hearing, you will want to start a journal to track them. Hearing loss can have an impact on all aspects of your child's life. One way to identify hearing problems is to watch the way your child interacts at home. Signs of hearing loss include a lack of a startle reflex, and inattentiveness. But, limited vocabulary can also be a sign. If your child doesn't startle at loud noises, seems to ignore conversations, or has a limited vocabulary for their age, they may suffer from hearing loss. 

Talk to Their Teachers

If you think your child is suffering from hearing loss, it's time to talk to their teachers. You might not realize this, but teachers can provide a lot of insight into where hearing loss is concerned. For instance, the teachers might have moved your child closer to the front of the class. Or, they might need to use a louder voice when speaking to your child. These situations are signs that your child suffers from hearing loss. 

Get a School Screening

If you think that your child might be facing problems with their hearing, now's the time to talk to school counselors. You might not know this, but most schools will provide screening for hearing loss. If your child does suffer from hearing loss, the school can provide extra education services. 

Schedule a Hearing Test

If you suspect hearing loss, you need to talk to your child's primary care physician about testing. A hearing test will identify specific hearing deficits. Once your primary care physician identifies hearing loss, they can start a treatment plan. Some of those treatment options include hearing aids and cochlear implants. Depending on the severity of the hearing loss, the primary care physician might also suggest lessons in sign language. 

Don't take chances with your child's health. If your child is displaying evidence of hearing loss, use the tips provided here to get the help they need.
