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3 Ways to Keep Your Sinusitis Under Control

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Sinusitis is a condition that refers to inflammation of the sinus cavities. If you suffer from sinusitis, you may find yourself visiting the doctor frequently to get antibiotics to treat your chronic sinus infections. While there really is nothing you may be able to do to fully eliminate the sinus problems you have, there are three different things you can try that might help you keep your symptoms under control. Read More»

3 Tips For Using Intuitive Eating To Make Your Gastric Balloon More Effective

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A gastric balloon is a temporary, non-surgical weight loss aide. Most gastric balloons are designed to be removed within 3-6 months after their insertion. While you will likely lose considerable extra weight while the balloon is in place, you may risk gaining the weight back once the balloon is removed if you do not create permanent changes to your dietary habits. For some patients who opt to use the gastric balloon to lose weight for a special event, this is not an issue. Read More»

3 Things To Know Before You Begin Systemic Radiation Therapy

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If you were recently diagnosed with thyroid cancer, your doctor may recommend radiation treatments to eliminate the cancerous cells. There are several types of radiation you can get for this, but a common type used to treat thyroid cancer is called systemic radiation therapy. This type of therapy is administered by a radiation specialist, and there are several important things you should know before you begin this particular type of radiation therapy. Read More»

3 Tips To Help You Earn More If You're A Certified Nursing Assistant

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Working as a certified nursing assistant is an honorable and rewarding career, as you’re helping care for elderly adults who require aid. It’s also a career that lets you earn a decent salary. The median annual wage of nursing assistants in the United States, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), is $25,710, and some make as much as $36,890 a year. If you’re a certified nursing assistant and would like to increase your income, here are three tips to help you advance your career. Read More»

5 Signs You Have Rheumatoid Arthritis

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Your hands and fingers are important parts of your body, allowing you to complete ordinary tasks each day. Due to this constant use, your hands and fingers will most likely develop light aches and pain over time. Unfortunately, learning the difference between normal aches and a more involved medical condition can be difficult. Considering that an estimated 1.5 million people in the United States have rheumatoid arthritis, understanding this condition of the joints is smart. Read More»

Preventing Heart Disease In Men: What Should You Know About It?

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Although heart disease is a major concern for women today, men are also at risk for it. You might think that if you eat healthy foods and exercise on a regular basis, heart disease won’t affect you. While both efforts can help reduce your risks for the disease, it’s how you do them that matters the most. Even seemingly healthy foods can harm your health if you don’t watch how you prepare them. In addition, weight training alone may not provide you the full benefits of strengthening your heart. Read More»

Four Things You Need To Do To Prepare For An MRI

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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tests are standard procedures used to examine internal organs and tissues. The MRI provides medical professionals with the ability to detect problems that may not be noticed by x-rays, CT scans or other means. If you are scheduled to undergo an MRI, there are few essential things you should know about preparing for your appointment. Gather Information on Previous Medical Issues Spend some time before your MRI making a detailed list of any previous medical issues. Read More»

Understanding And Treating A Rare Cause Of Hearing Loss

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There are various causes of hearing loss in one ear, including viral infections and blunt head trauma. In cases of sudden idiopathic hearing loss, the cause may never be determined. Once an audiologist has performed a complete audiometry test to determine the extent of your diminished hearing capabilities, diagnostic imaging tests may be recommended to detect the presence of an acoustic neuroma, one of the rare causes of unilateral hearing loss. Read More»

4 Benefits Of A Copper IUD

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Whether you feel that your family is complete or you would like to put off starting a family for the time being, finding the ideal birth control method can be challenging. There are many options out there, and some work better than others and every woman’s body reacts differently. If you’re seeking long term birth control that you don’t have to think about or remember to take, a copper intrauterine device (IUD) may be perfect for you. Read More»

Scarred By Teenage Acne? Acne Scar Removal Options

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From genetics and diet to age and your overall type of skin, there are many causes of acne. These raised imperfections on the skin are not only unattractive, but can also leave permanent scars. Unfortunately, acne scars can become part of your adult life. These scars range in severity, of course. In most cases, discoloration of the skin occurs. In addition, acne can cause loss of tissue on the skin’s surface or create prominent raised growths. Read More»