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The 3 Best Treatment Options for Osteoporosis

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If you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis, you might be worried about how this will affect your future. While there really isn't a way to reverse osteoporosis, there are steps you can take that can help stop or slow down the effects of this condition. Without proper treatment, you will continue to lose bone mass for the rest of your life, and this will lead to very weak and frail bones. Here are three of the best types of treatment you should start now to help you stop osteoporosis from causing any more damage to your body.

Use Medication

There are many types of medications used to treat osteoporosis, and most of the medications are designed to help your bones stay strong. The bones in the body are constantly breaking down all throughout your life, but they are also constantly rebuilding themselves. This process keeps your bones strong throughout your life—unless osteoporosis sets in.

With osteoporosis, your bones break down but do not rebuild themselves. This means you will slowly lose bone mass, and this leads to weakness of bones. When bones are weak, they are prone to breaking more easily, and weak bones can also lead to mobility issues and other problems.

The medications available today are able to help with osteoporosis by helping to slow down the process of bone deterioration. These medications do not necessarily help the bones rebuild themselves, but they can slow down the process of losing bone mass.

Start Exercising

If you are not currently exercising on a regular basis, you should start. Most experts believe that working out for 30 minutes five days a week is sufficient for good health, and exercising can actually make a big difference in the progression of osteoporosis. The three main types of exercises you should focus on are weight-bearing, resistance, and flexibility exercises. Each of these types is designed to help your body in different ways, and all three can help slow down the negative effects of osteoporosis.

Exercising is important because it builds muscle. If you have strong, healthy muscles in place, they will protect your bones. Thin, weak muscles do not offer a lot of bone protection. If you can focus on building your muscles through exercise, you will have healthier bones, increased balance, and many other benefits.

Take the Right Supplements

The third thing you should do is start taking supplements, and there are a number of different ones that can help slow down the effects of osteoporosis. You can talk to your doctor about this if you want to learn more, and he or she may discuss the following supplements with you.

  • Calcium and Vitamin D – Calcium is one of the best vitamins you can take for your bone health because it is what makes bones strong. Taking Vitamin D is also important, though, as it helps the body absorb the calcium it receives.
  • Magnesium – Taking magnesium is also recommended simply because it too can strengthen the bones in your body.
  • Vitamin K – Vitamin K is not the most common type of vitamin around, but it does appear to have good effects in rebuilding bone mass.

There are also things you should avoid in your life, and these include caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol. These three things do not help with bone health, and they may actually make it harder for your bones to stay strong.

If you do not want to end up breaking bones in your body or losing any more bone mass, you will need to make some changes in your life today. To learn more about how you can stop this disease from threatening your health, visit a doctor, such as one at Sarasota Arthritis Center, today.  
