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Understanding Some Of The Causes Of Foot Numbness

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Whether you're an athlete in training or just use various sports to help you stay fit, suffering problems with your feet can be serious. For example, numbness that persists over the course of weeks or months should never be taken lightly. Sometimes, it can be caused by a pinched nerve that needs relief, but prolonged numbness is often a more serious concern. When you work with a podiatric sports medicine specialist, he or she can not only help you identify the underlying cause but also determine how best to preserve your training routine. Here are a few of the most common causes for persistent numbness in the feet to help you understand what to expect.

Circulation Struggles

If the numbness is limited to one foot, it may be caused by problems with circulation. For example, peripheral artery disease is a common condition that can interfere with your circulation. It is known to occur most often in older adults because the arteries can narrow as you age and due to poor diet.

Prolonged exposure to severely cold temperatures can also lead to circulation issues. Frostbite can occur, which can lead to long-term damage to your feet including significant circulation problems and other skin tissue issues.

Deep vein thrombosis is another common cause of circulation problems in the feet. It can even cause blood clots to form in your body, so you need to talk with a podiatrist right away if you're concerned about a condition like this. He or she can evaluate your feet, look at the areas affected by the numbness and help you determine if circulatory issues are the cause.

Orthopedic Issues

Some numbness issues in the feet are caused by orthopedic issues. Conditions like sciatica, spinal stenosis and even herniated discs in your back can cause pain to radiate to your legs and feet. Sometimes, injuries to your spine can lead to nerve damage. The nerve damage can disrupt feeling in your legs and your feet.

Another common problem is conditions like osteoporosis. Even if it's in its early stages, active participation in sports can make weakening bone more apparent and can lead to increasing nerve issues and numbness. If you visit a podiatric sports medicine specialist and he or she is unable to find a problem specifically with your feet, it may be time to look into more widespread issues like these.

Neurological Problems

Neurological issues can also lead to numbness in your feet. A sports podiatry specialist can help you to evaluate your other underlying health conditions to see if any of them could be contributing. For example, those with diabetes may suffer from some level of neuropathy, which can lead to numb spots on the feet.

Autoimmune diseases such as lupus, conditions like multiple sclerosis, and even deficiencies in vitamins and minerals can also contribute to these problems. For example, a deficiency in vitamins such as B12 may lead to anemia, which may cause some neurological symptoms that can lead to numbness and other problems with your feet.

It's also important to note that any numbness that sets on rapidly or is paired with dizziness, speech problems and full-side issues needs more attention. Your podiatry specialist may recommend that you see a primary care specialist because these are signs of a potential stroke. Since stroke can happen to anyone, even those who are highly active, you don't want to dismiss this concern.

As a highly active individual, any kind of numbness or problems in your feet should be taken seriously. The best place to start is often a sports podiatry clinic, because they can understand exactly how all of these elements connect together. Talk with your specialist today to see if there are any other underlying causes that could affect your condition.
