From genetics and diet to age and your overall type of skin, there are many causes of acne. These raised imperfections on the skin are not only unattractive, but can also leave permanent scars. Unfortunately, acne scars can become part of your adult life. These scars range in severity, of course. In most cases, discoloration of the skin occurs. In addition, acne can cause loss of tissue on the skin’s surface or create prominent raised growths. Read More»
According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, the average child between the ages of 12 and 17 spends 5 hours a week sitting in front of a computer screen. Computer use is great – it can promote academic growth, provide insight into other cultures, and expand your child’s communication skills. Unfortunately, it can also affect their vision if proper measures aren’t taken to limit eye strain. Read on to learn exactly how your child’s eyesight can be affected by computer screens, and what you can do to limit these effects. Read More»
If you’ve experienced a joint, muscle, or spinal injury, life can be constant misery. For a lot of people, traditional medicine is just not enough to help alleviate long-term pain. When medication does not help enough to relieve pain, one might feel hopeless and trapped with the pain forever. Fortunately, there is a non-invasive, holistic method of treatment that promises to help alleviate pain without the use of traditional medication. It is called chiropractic care. Read More»